Saturday, February 12, 2011

GSP's Workout

So I was browsing and found the supposed workouts that Georges St. Pierre the Welterweight Champion of the UFC (and also my favorite fighter). So I decided to try them out, here is the link to the workout:

Day 1: Legs

Barbell Complex: Means not letting the barbell touch the floor, meaning you do exercise after exercise till you finish the round.
My Review: I only completed 1 round, the reason for this is because I don't like doing stiff-leg deadlifts and good mornings because I have poor hamstring flexibility which hinders my form whilst doing these movements and will strain my lower back and in my line of work I have no time for injuries! After I finished the first round I changed the work out to
-10 reps of back squats
-10 reps of leg extensions
-Single leg squats to failure
-Walking lunges to failure
-Jump Squats to failure
-Calf raises to failure
I know I cut it down a lot but 12 overall sets to failure is more than enough to smash out a good workout, its fair to say my legs were sore for quite a few days after this workout! As for the actually 'GSP Leg Workout' I wouldn't do it again.

Day 2 - Pull & Abs
If you don't know what a pull workout is, it is comprised with exercises that uses pulling movements which target your back and biceps. The workout goes:

My Review: It was a pretty good workout, I could of went on slamming the medicine ball for quite awhile so I decided to consider failure for that to be not getting too much height on the slam, I don't like barbell twist as I don't really feel too much tensions and feel is puts my shoulder in dislocation position, stirring the pot on the other hand was great it really targeted my core a lot more than I though it would! The whole sessions took me about 45 minutes.

Day 3: Push

My Review: Awesome! I did this workout with a friend and it was killer! All those sets of failure from the dips and push ups absolutely killed my arms, especially my shoulders! In the third round I had to reduce the weight so much because my muscles for completely fatigued. I definitely felt my chest, shoulders and triceps for the next few days! Out of the three workouts this is by far my favorite which I would do again!   

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